otarafa: "Gerekirse de İzmir ayrılsın!" butarafa: Adam Curtis: why South Park is the best documentary of them all
Bu fareler çoluk çocuğun geleceğini tüketirken bedenini kanını da LITERALLY tüketiyorlar

cevap ver  yalanbenim   15/11/16


Foto alaqasız: Secretary of State Tim Robbins to the children:
“Hey kids. Just want you to know your future is in the hands of a bunch of impotent war-loving maniacs. Gather around. You kids need to start a goddamn revolution. And I don’t mean this Occupy Wall Street bullshit, with their human microphone and their jazz hands. I mean the real deal, where people are actually terrified to leave their homes. You need to arm yourself! Fuck the ballot! Time for bullets! Burn it all down, I say!”

MSNBC & RT : Hillary and Bill Clinton involved in pedophilia scandal !

Bu topluluğu görüntülemek için 18 yaşından büyük olmalısın
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(Evet ise)


Blood from human teens rejuvenates body and brains of old mice

Kategori: pis işler.

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otarafa: "Gerekirse de İzmir ayrılsın!" butarafa: Adam Curtis: why South Park is the best documentary of them all

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