otarafa: büyük tembel robottan masallar butarafa: Hoşgeldin Lobna 13 Aralık Cuma Garaj İstanbul

cevap ver  alper   13/12/13

keyboard klavye seaboard enstrüman

The Seaboard is a radically new musical instrument that reimagines the piano keyboard as a soft, continuous surface. In realising this powerful concept as a refined product, we have brought together years of innovation on several fronts. The Seaboard’s polyphonic pitch bend, vibrato and per-note dynamic changes are all available at your fingertips, marrying the intuitiveness of a traditional instrument with the versatility of digital technology.


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bunlara da göz atabilirsiniz:

otarafa: büyük tembel robottan masallar butarafa: Hoşgeldin Lobna 13 Aralık Cuma Garaj İstanbul

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