otarafa: Tarantino's Mind butarafa: Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music (8-Bit NES Remake)
Timothy Hunt simg

cevap ver  alper   10/12/13



"Timothy’s illustration is exuberant in its playfulness, created from primitively drawn characters in primary-coloured environments, and is equally suited to children and adults with a penchant for the absurd. His world is like a rainbow-coloured medieval England – men defecate on each other’s heads from on high (not a problem it’s a multi-coloured stool) and there’s a common complaint of having goo in one’s shoe. If none of this madness is to your tastes then we recommend a career in science, where literally no one poops rainbows."
- It's Nice That

Kategori: pis işler.

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otarafa: Tarantino's Mind butarafa: Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music (8-Bit NES Remake)

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