otarafa: İnternet: Girilmesi Tehlikeli ve Yasaktır | butarafa: Burger King |
Thruman Show Syndrome
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"The Truman Show Delusion" Joel Gold, director of psychiatrics at the Bellevue Hospital Center, revealed that by 2008, he had met five patients with schizophrenia (and heard of another twelve) who believed their lives were reality television shows. Gold named the syndrome after the film, and attributed the particular delusion to a world that had become publicity hungry. Gold stated some patients were rendered happy by their disease, while "others were tormented. One came to New York to check whether the World Trade Center had actually fallen – believing 9/11 to be an elaborate plot twist in his personal storyline. Another came to climb the Statue of Liberty, believing that he'd be reunited with his high-school girlfriend at the top, and finally be released from the 'show'."[38] In August 2008, the British Journal of Psychiatry reported similar cases in the United Kingdom [39] [1]. The delusion has informally been referred to as "Truman syndrome", according to an Associated Press article of November 24, 2008. [2]
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artikılı okumadım ama ben turumın sov sendromuma yakalndıgımı farketmiştim ve anlatmaya calışmaktaydm 2003 senesinde çalıştıgım 700 kişilk iş yerindeki mesai arkadaslarıma ve dahi patronuma .. bırakın beni gideyim diyip duruyor gidecek de bi yer olmadıgından yakınıodum ..ayyaman allah!! neyse artikule etmiim yeniden - |
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otarafa: İnternet: Girilmesi Tehlikeli ve Yasaktır | butarafa: Burger King |
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