otarafa: ex-boyfriend jewelry | butarafa: Elhamdürüllah Amerikanız |
Training To Ruin A Marathon
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the onion haberleri muhteşem
işte www.theonion.com/content/opinion/im_training_to_ruin_a_marathon I'm going to ruin the whole thing. Now, I know what you're thinking. Sure, everyone would like to ruin a marathon, but who among us has the discipline and energy to get up at the crack of dawn morning after morning, through rain, sleet, and snow, and practice handing out cups of VINEGAR to the frontrunners?
Kategori: pis işler.
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bunlara da göz atabilirsiniz:
otarafa: ex-boyfriend jewelry | butarafa: Elhamdürüllah Amerikanız |
iletişim - şikayet - kullanıcı sözleşmesi - gizlilik şartları |