otarafa: Pixelator | butarafa: >:7 |
LongBet // Turing Test
Kurzweil'den gelecek :
2020-2070 * A computer passes the Turing Test, becoming the first true Artificial Intelligence. Note: Kurzweil put his money where his mouth was on the Long Bets website, wagering that this prediction will come true. Betting against Mitchell Kapor, founder of Lotus Software Corporation for a payout of $20,000, or $10,000 each. Bu bağlamda :
Keywords:kurzweil turing turingtest ai yapayzeka mitchellkapor lotussoftware longbets raymondkurzweil Kategori: tekno |
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bunlara da göz atabilirsiniz:
otarafa: Pixelator | butarafa: >:7 |
iletişim - şikayet - kullanıcı sözleşmesi - gizlilik şartları |