otarafa: bunnarda da fayda var | butarafa: gündem dışı - bu çarşamba |
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British model Emma Jones has developed an allergy to sex, a condition the Blind Date reality TV star attributes to stress caused by her divorce. "Every time I make love I come out in a painful rash, suffer excruciating headaches, hot flushes and have breathing difficulties," Jones, 34, said in Britain's Mirror Wednesday. The allergies, which Jones said developed while her 13-year marriage crumbled, have wreaked havoc on Jones' marriage to her second husband, a 39-year-old French boat captain. Specifically, Jones is allergic to latex in condoms, a common allergy, experts said. After switching to a different form of contraception, however, Jones' symptoms returned and doctors discovered the model had developed an extremely rare allergic reaction to her husband's semen. "Over time we've learned to deal with my allergies. It's a question of the lesser of two evils. Do I want to lose the feeling of intimacy with my husband or have the rash and the headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath afterwards," Jones said.
Kategori: konser/parti
Vasectomy is permanent birth control for men. The tubes in the scrotum that carry sperm to the penis can be either tied or sealed so no sperm are in the semen. Sperm are the reproductive cells in men, and semen is the fluid that carries sperm. Pregnancy can happen if a sperm joins with a woman's egg. Vasectomy does not affect sexual desire or sexual performance. A vasectomy does not affect your ability to have and keep an erection or to ejaculate (or release sperm from the penis). The only difference is that the semen that is ejaculated no longer carries sperm. Your sperm will look just like it always did, and there will be about as much of it as before. Vasectomy is not effective immediately; sperm remain in the system beyond the blocked tubes. You must use other birth control until the sperm are used up. This usually takes from 15 to 20 ejaculations, or orgasms. Vasectomies are permanent. You should consider possible changes in your life, such as divorce, remarriage, or death of children, in which case you may want to have children or more children. |
gene de "semen" kalıyor ama aslaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cocuk olmuyor :) |
Kıymet, semen ve devn arasındaki farklar: Kıymet, bir malın piyasada, alışverişlerdeki değerini bilen bilir kişinin o mala biçtiği değerdir. Semen; satım akdinde tarafların karşılıklı rıza ile belirledikleri değerdir. Bu, satılan malın gerçek değerinden az veya çok olabileceği gibi; buna eşit olarak da bulunabilir. Deyn ise; borçlanma sebeplerinden birisiyle sabit olan mallardan zimmette borç bulunan şeylerdir. Başkasının malını telef etme, gasp, kefâlet, karz, satım akdi vb. borçlanma sebepleri arasındadır (İbn Âbidîn, Reddü'l-Muhtâr, Beyrut t.y., IV, 51 vd.; ez-Zühaylî, el-Fıkhul-İslâmî fî Uslübihil-Cedîd, Dimaşk t.y., I,198, 199, 209). |
yada latince "tohum" mesela "semen papaveris" : haşhaş tohumu |
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bunlara da göz atabilirsiniz:
otarafa: bunnarda da fayda var | butarafa: gündem dışı - bu çarşamba |
iletişim - şikayet - kullanıcı sözleşmesi - gizlilik şartları |