otarafa: Stuart A. Staples | butarafa: deUS?? |
Wikipedia Katar'a yasak koydu
Dünyanın bilinen en büyük web ansiklopedisi WikiPedia, Katar'dan gelen
saldırılar nedeniyle ülkenin siteye erişimini 12 saatliğine yasakladı Özgür web ansiklopedisi Wikipedia, ardı arkası kesilmeden saldırı amaçlı yollanan anonim yazılardan sonra, bir arap ülkesi olan Katar’ın siteye erişimini geçici olarak engellemek zorunda kaldı. 630,000 nüfusu bulunan bu ülke, ortadoğu ülkelerinin arasında en iyi durumda olanlarından bir tanesi. Bütün ülke yasaklandı! Katar’daki bütün web trafiğinin tek bir adrese yönlendirilmiş olması bütün ülkede 12 saat boyunca internet trafiğinin engellenmesine sebep oldu. Wikipedia özellikle ABD, seks ve Hz. Muhammed'in doğumuyla ilgili sayfaların saldırıya uğradığını belirtti. WikiPedia, kullanıcılarının ve siteye katkıda bulunmak isteyen herkesin yazıp yollayabileceği makalelerden oluşuyor. Bu engellemenin ardından, Wikipedia’nın kurucusu Jimmy Wales “Bu IP geçici olarak 12 saatten daha az bir süre için erişimi yasaklanmıştır. Bütün ülkenin yasaklanması Wikipedia politikalarına kesinlikle terstir.” şeklinde bir açıklamada bulundu. Kişisel engellemeler Normal şartlarda Wikipedia, girdilere saldıran ve yanlış içerik giren kullanıcıları kişisel olarak engelliyor. Fakat Katar’daki internet yapısı için bu söz konusu değil. Çünkü ülkede bütün kullanıcılar için ağ geçidi (gateway) görevini üslenen tek bir internet sağlayıcısı var ve herkes aynı IP numarasına sahip. 5ocak2007 |
“You really are a stranger,” said the jackal. “Otherwise you would know that throughout the history of the world a jackal has never yet feared an Arab. Should we fear them? Is it not misfortune enough that we have been cast out among such people?” “Maybe—that could be,” I said. “I’m not up to judging things which are so far removed from me. It seems to be a very old conflict—it’s probably in the blood and so perhaps will only end with blood.” “You are very clever” said the old jackal, and they all panted even more quickly, their lungs breathing rapidly, although they were standing still. A bitter smell streamed out of their open jaws—at times I could tolerate it only by clenching my teeth. “You are very clever. What you said corresponds to our ancient doctrine. So we take their blood, and the quarrel is over.” “Oh,” I said, more sharply than I intended, “they’ll defend themselves. They’ll shoot you down in droves with their guns.” “You do not understand us,” he said, “a characteristic of human beings which has not disappeared, not even in the high north. We are not going to kill them. The Nile would not have enough water to wash us clean. The very sight of their living bodies makes us run away immediately into cleaner air, into the desert, which, for that very reason, is our home.” All the jackals surrounding us—and in the meantime many more had come up from a distance—lowered their heads between the front legs and cleaned them with their paws. It was as if they wanted to conceal an aversion which was so terrible, that I would have much preferred to take a big jump and escape beyond their circle. “So what do you intend to do,” I asked. I wanted to stand up, but I couldn’t. Two young animals were holding me firmly from behind with their jaws biting my jacket and shirt. I had to remain sitting. “They are holding your train,” said the old jackal seriously, by way of explanation, “a mark of respect.” “They should let me go,” I cried out, turning back and forth between the old one and the young ones. “Of course, they will,” said the old one, “if that’s what you want. But it will take a little while, for, as is our habit, they have dug their teeth in deep and must first let their jaws open gradually. Meanwhile, listen to our request.” “Your conduct has not made me particularly receptive to it,” I said. “Don’t make us pay for our clumsiness,” he said, and now for the first time he brought the plaintive tone of his natural voice to his assistance. “We are poor animals—all we have is our teeth. For everything we want to do—good and bad—the only thing available to us is our teeth.” “So what do you want?” I asked, only slightly reassured. “Sir,” he cried out, and all the jackals howled. To me it sounded very remotely like a melody. “Sir, you should end the quarrel which divides the world in two. Our ancestors described a man like you as the one who will do it. We must be free of the Arabs—with air we can breathe, a view of the horizon around us clear of Arabs, no cries of pain from a sheep which an Arab has knifed, and every animal should die peacefully and be left undisturbed for us to drain it empty and clean it right down to the bones. Cleanliness—that’s what we want— nothing but cleanliness.” Now they were all crying and sobbing. “How can you bear it in this world, you noble heart and sweet entrails? Dirt is their white; dirt is their black; their beards are horrible; looking at the corner of their eyes makes one spit; and if they lift their arms, hell opens up in their arm pits. And that’s why, sir, that’s why, my dear sir, with the help of your all-capable hands you must use these scissors to slit right through their throats.” He jerked his head, and in response a jackal came up carrying on its canine tooth a small pair of sewing scissors covered with old rust. |
zekeriya temiz müslümanı ta katar'dan duymuşlar. |
C bu senin yazdigin neydi? |
bilmece |
www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/kafka/jackalsandarabs.htm |
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bunlara da göz atabilirsiniz:
otarafa: Stuart A. Staples | butarafa: deUS?? |
iletişim - şikayet - kullanıcı sözleşmesi - gizlilik şartları |