otarafa: bowling for columbine | butarafa: Keşke Başımı Örtsem |
hep 6 yaşında kalacak
ABD’li bir aile, beyin özürlü ve yatalak kızlarına daha iyi bakabilmek için
hormonlarla büyümesini durdurdu. Küçük kızın göğüsleri ve rahmi alındı. ABD ayağa kalktı ORTAÇAĞ UYGULAMALARI GİBİ Ailesi “Bunu onun için yaptık. Küçük hasta bir kıza bakmak, yetişkine bakmaktan daha kolay. Böylece hayatını evde duvarlara bakarak geçirmeyecek. Onu kucağımıza alıp dışarı çıkarabileceğiz” diyor. Ancak bazı doktorlar ise bunun engellilere karşı bir hakaret olduğu görüşünde. Miami Üniversitesi’nden Prof. Jeffrey Brosco, “Bu insanlık dışı girişim yaygınlaşırsa, engellilerin öldürüldüğü Ortaçağa geri döneriz. Her insanın yaşama ve büyüme hakkı vardır” diye konuştu. |
Human experimentation Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. He was particularly interested in twins, who were selected and placed in special barracks. He also studied a disease called Noma, which particularly affected children from the Gypsy camp. While the cause of Noma remains not entirely known, it is a disease that affects chiefly children suffering from malnutrition and a weak immune system, and many develop the disease shortly after having suffered another illness like measles or tuberculosis. Mengele tried to prove that Noma was caused by "racial inferiority". Mengele took an interest in physical abnormalities discovered among the arrivals at the concentration camp. This included dwarves, notably the Ovitz family, a Jewish Romanian artist's family, seven of whose ten members were dwarves. Prior to their deportation they toured in Eastern Europe as the Lilliput Troupe. He often called them "my dwarf family". To him they seemed to be the perfect expression of 'the abnorm'. Mengele's experiments were of dubious scientific value, including attempts to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, various amputations of limbs and other brutal surgeries. Rena Gelissen's account of her time in Auschwitz details certain experiments performed on female prisoners around October 1943. During roll calls Mengele would show up to perform a "special work detail" selection, which fooled some into thinking that this would be a relief from the otherwise hard labour they were performing. In actuality Mengele would experiment on the chosen girls, performing sterilization and shock treatments. Most of the victims died, either due to the experiments or later infections. A Hungarian Jewish prisoner doctor, Miklos Nyiszli, who was an experienced pathologist and had studied in Germany, was chosen to work as Mengele's assistant, and wrote about his experiences. The subjects of Mengele's research were better fed and housed than ordinary prisoners and were for the time being safe from the gas chambers. To Mengele they were nevertheless not fellow human beings, but rather material to conduct his experiments on. On several occasions he killed subjects simply to be able to dissect them afterwards. Aklıma bu geldi hemen... |
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otarafa: bowling for columbine | butarafa: Keşke Başımı Örtsem |
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